Sie sind hier: Startseite > Therapeutics (ehemalig) > Guidelines for Cultivating Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes [Voorschriften voor de Verbouw van Cannabis voor Medicinale Doeleinden]

J Cannabis Ther 2003(2):51-61

Cultivation of Cannabis

Guidelines for Cultivating Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes [Voorschriften voor de Verbouw van Cannabis voor Medicinale Doeleinden]

Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

Annex to the Regulation of the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport of 9 January 2003, GMT/BMC 2340685, containing policy guidelines for the decision on applications for Opium Act exemptions (Policy guidelines Opium Act exemptions) (authorised English translation)

1. Introduction

2. General

3. Personnel and Training

4. Buildings and Facilities

5. Equipment

6. Seeds and Propagation Material

7. Cultivation

8. Harvesting

9. Primary Processing

10. Packaging

11. Storage and Distribution

12. Special Provisions for the Production of Cannabis Intended for Processing into a Standardised Herbal Drug

13. Documentation

14. Safeguarding the Material

PDF des gesamten Artikels ]

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