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Cannabinoids 2009;4(4):1-3 (November 21, 2009)

Article of the Month

THC can improve symptoms of schizophrenia

Franjo Grotenhermen

nova-Institut, Chemiepark Knaps

Scientists at the Rockland Psychiatric Center in Orangeburg, New York, reported of an improve-ment of schizophrenia symptoms in 4 patients who received oral dronabinol (THC) (Schwarcz et al. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2009;29(3):255-8). Only patients with a previous history of self-reported benefits from cannabis use were selected. In addition, they presented with a severe, re-fractory condition that made the possible benefits outweigh the risks. Dronabinol administration was initiated at 2.5 mg twice a day and subsequently raised to 5 mg twice a day in the second week and 10 mg twice a day in the third week. One of the patients needed 8 weeks to reach sig-nificant improvement, while the others responded to the therapy within a shorter period of time. Researchers noted that "this improvement seems to have been a reduction of core psychotic symp-toms in 3 of the 4 responders and not just non-specific calming."

cannabis, THC, dronabinol, schizophrenia, psychosis, case report

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