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J Cannabis Ther 2001(1):005-27

Marijuana (Cannabis) as Medicine

Marijuana (Cannabis) as Medicine

L. Hollister

The modern published literature on the therapeutic potentials of cannabis has been reviewed. A pure preparation of the major active component, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Marinol_ or dronabinol, is available for treating nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy and as an adjunct to weight loss in patients with wasting syndrome associated with AIDS. Although such approval currently applies only to orally administered THC, for practical purposes smoked marijuana should also be expected to be equally effective. Promising leads, although often fragile, suggest possible uses for treating chronic pain syndromes, neurological disease with spasticity and other causes of weight loss. These possible indications require more study.

Cannabis, marijuana, THC, dronabinol, vomiting, spasticity, anorexia, pain, seizures, glaucoma, asthma, insomnia

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