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J Cannabis Ther 2003(1):1-2



Ethan Russo


It is with great pleasure that the Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics initiates its third volume and year of publication. While political controversy concerning clinical cannabis continues, the pace of research quickens, as each month offers new insight in the physiological role of endocannabinoids.

We initiate the new volume with a monumental review of cannabinoid pharmacokinetics by Franjo Grotenhermen. This contribution is most welcome, as he has collected a tremendous amount of useful information and distilled it into a most accessible form that will be a key reference source for scientists and clinicians alike.

Dale Gieringer provides an interesting analysis of the increasing pervasiveness of clinical cannabis usage in the United States. The degree of its acceptance by the public, and the governments of certain states, may come as a surprise to many, and this paper is certain to provoke political controversy as it challenges the conceptual basis of cannabis as a Schedule I drug with no accepted medical usage.

Finally, Markus Storz of Vapormed, Tuttlingen, Germany, has been kind enough to perform an e-mail interview (with minimal editorial changes) to address some of the technical aspects of cannabis vaporization. Vaporization technology represents an increasingly prevalent technique for the application of clinical cannabis. The biophysics and rationale for its use provide interesting insights into how this method of cannabis usage may provide harm reduction and obviate the need for clinical patients to smoke their medicine.

Ethan Russo, MD


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