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J Cannabis Ther 2001(2):03-14

Cannabis in Azerbaijan

Medicinal Properties of Cannabis According to Medieval Manuscripts of Azerbaijan

F.U. Alakbarov

Azerbaijani people have rich and ancient traditions in the medicinal use of cannabis. The traditional methods of its application are described in the medieval Azerbaijani manuscripts in the field of medicine and pharmacognosy written in Old Azerbaijani, Persian, Arabic and date back to the 9-18th centuries AD. As a result of these studies, it was established that various parts (the roots, resin, leaves and seeds) of Cannabis sativa L. were widely used in traditional medicine of medieval Azerbaijan. Recently, a number of forgotten recipes of the medicines containing cannabis have been deciphered. These recipes of the Middle Ages may be applied in modern medicine once they have been experimentally and clinically tested.

Azerbaijan, cannabis, Cannabis sativa L., Cannabis ruderalis Janisch., traditional medicine, phytotherapy

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