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J Cannabis Ther 2002(3/4):133-141


One Woman's Work in the Use of Hashish in a Medical Context

M. Jansen, R. Terris

This article provides a brief introduction to the process of producing hashish with the Pollinator® and Ice-O-Lator® devices. Both are systems designed to separate the most active parts of the cannabis plant, the glandular trichomes, or "resin glands," from the plant material. The highly concentrated product of these systems has great value to medical users of cannabis, as they only need to employ a fraction of the amount of material otherwise necessary. The systems can also be used to pre-process cannabis or hemp for laboratory work that requires solely the active substances. The article also gives a brief introduction to Mila Jansen, the inventor of the Pollinator and the Ice-O-Lator.

Hashish, Pollinator, Ice-O-Lator, cannabis genetics, medical marijuana

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