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IACM-Bulletin of 03 September 2017

Science/Human: Cannabis users had less severe symptoms in alcoholic pancreatitis

According to a review of patients with acute alcoholic pancreatitis at a large hospital cannabis users presented with less severe symptoms. Researchers of Mercer University School of Medicine in Macon, USA, analysed data of patients discharged with principle or secondary diagnosis of alcoholic pancreatitis between January 2006 and December 2015.

There were 38 patients with a history of cannabis use and 76 patients who tested negative for THC. The study shows that a smaller percentage of cannabis positive patients had a so-called systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and had a lower BISAP score, which is a measure for pancreatitis mortality. There was also a significantly lower level of blood urea nitrogen, which is a measure for kidney or liver damage. Authors concluded, “that cannabis could modulate the inflammatory effect of alcohol on the pancreas.”

Goyal H, Guerreso K, Smith B, Harper K, Patel S, Patel A, Parikh P. Severity and outcomes of acute alcoholic pancreatitis in cannabis users. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017;2:60.

Science/Human: Topical cannabis reduced wound pain in a small case series

The treatment of wounds caused by Pyoderma Gangrenosum with topical cannabis reduced pain and opioid use in three patients, according to a report by researchers of the University of Toronto, Canada. Cannabis was compounded in organic sunflower oil.

Authors noted that “the ideal methods of pain relief for wound patients are modalities that are topical, lack systemic side effects, non-invasive, self-administered, and display rapid onset of analgesia. Extracts derived from the cannabis plant have been applied to wounds for thousands of years.” They concluded from their observations that cannabis “has the potential to improve pain management in patients suffering from wounds of all classes.”

Maida V, Corban J. Topical Medical Cannabis (TMC): A new treatment for wound pain-Three cases of Pyoderma Gangrenosum. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2017 Aug 14. [in press]

Science/Human: Cannabis use may be associated with a reduction in premature deaths

According to a review by Thomas M. Clark, the chair of the Department of Biology at Indiana University in South Bend, USA, cannabis use is associated with a substantial reduction in premature deaths in the United States. According to his analysis cannabis use is associated with decreased rates of obesity, diabetes mellitus, mortality from traumatic brain injury, use of alcohol and prescription drugs, driving fatalities, and opioid overdose deaths. Since the review did not undergo peer-review by other scientists the results and conclusions have to be verified in further investigations.

He writes that the “analysis predicts an estimated 23,500 to 47,500 deaths prevented annually if medical marijuana were legal nationwide. A number of other potential causes of reduced mortality due to Cannabis use were revealed, but were excluded from the analysis because quantitative data were lacking. These estimates thus substantially underestimate the actual impact of Cannabis use on premature death.”

Clark TM. Cannabis use is associated with a substantial reduction in premature deaths in the United States. Indiana University South Bend.2017

News in brief

India: A hemp company wants to develop a CBD extract
A week after Minister for Women and Child Development, Maneka Gandhi suggested that medical use of cannabis should be legalized in India, the government has issued the first-ever license to grow and study the medicinal properties of cannabis. However, this is limited to preparations from hemp or CBD extracts. Thus, there are currently no concrete steps towards the legal medical use of cannabis.
Bombay Hemp Company To Develop Cannabis Based Medicine
Medicine Marijuana?

Science/Animal: THCA may protect nerve cells
THCA (THC acid) showed potent neuroprotective activity in mice and this effect was mediated by the activation of the PPAR gamma receptor. Authors wrote that neuroprotective activity of THCA may be “worth consideration for the treatment of Huntington´s Disease and possibly other neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases.”
Phytoplant Research SL, Córdoba, Spain.
Nadal X, et al. Br J Pharmacol. 2017 Aug 29. [in press]

Science/Human: Cannabis has no negative effect on the immune system in patients with HIV
Researchers investigated the lymphocyte count among 70 patients, whose urine drug tested negative for THC and 25 patients, who tested positive for THC. THC-positive patients had significantly higher CD4+ and CD8+ counts than their THC-negative counterparts. Authors concluded that THC use does not reduce immune function.
Department of Psychology, Virginia State University, USA.
Keen L 2nd, et al. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017;180:22-25.

Science/Human: People with depression more often use cannabis
In a sample of 28,557 adults, who reported cannabis use in the last 30 days depression was associated with cannabis use disorders. Authors wrote that “depression is a consistent risk factor for marijuana use disorder symptoms over and above exposure to marijuana.” One explanation may be that people with depression find relief from cannabis use.
Psychology Department, Wesleyan University, USA.
Dierker L, et al Addict Behav. 2017;76:161-168.

Science/Human: The composition of proteins in the urine point to a potential role of cannabinoids in the treatment of disorders of the urinary tract
Urine specimens from healthy control subjects and cannabis users were utilized to identify the differences in number and quantity of urine proteins. Researchers found a large number of proteins present or absent only in cannabis users. They concluded that their study provides “knowledge for future investigations on potential role of exocannabinoids in development of intravesical therapies to treat LUT [lower urinary tract] disorders.”
University of Colorado, Aurora, USA.
Nedumaran B, et al. Urology. 2017 Aug 18. [in press]

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