Vous êtes ici: Home > Therapeutics (ancienne) > Cannabis as a Substitute for Alcohol: A Harm-Reduction Approach

J Cannabis Ther 2004(1):79-93

Alcohol Dependency

Cannabis as a Substitute for Alcohol: A Harm-Reduction Approach

T. H. Mikuriya

Ninety-two Northern Californians who use cannabis as an alternative to alcohol obtained letters of approval from the author. Their records were reviewed to determine characteristics of the cohort and efficacy of the treatment, which was defined as reduced harm to the patient. All patients reported benefit, indicating that for at least a subset of alcoholics, cannabis use is associated with reduced drinking. The cost of alcoholism to individual patients and society at large warrants testing of the cannabis-substitution approach and study of the drug-of-choice phenomenon.

Addiction, alcohol, alcoholism, cannabis, depression, drug-of-choice, harm reduction, marijuana, pain

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